
如果我的牌是2会怎么样nd 十大网赌正规网址官网区开除学籍?

A 2nd 学术解雇 occurs when students who were on first 学术解雇 are not successful in the petitioning semester, 或者另一个学期的GPA低于2.0和/或不符合所有的请愿要求. Students will receive a notification via their ACES email informing them once final grades have posted. Students placed on 2nd 学术解雇 will be required to sit out one (1) full 16 week semester (Spring or F所有) as per the 十大网赌正规网址官网区政策. 在一个完整的16周学期后,学生必须完成 申请过程 被认为有资格注册. 西北维斯塔学院不接受暑期申请.

Students placed on 2nd 学术解雇 do not have the option to petition without sitting out.


我被告知我被第二次开除学籍. 我该采取什么措施啊?

All students on 2nd 学术解雇 will have to complete the petition for waiver of 学术解雇 process. 在启动请愿程序之前, 你必须确保你符合下面列出的资格要求. 

What are the eligibility requirements for petitioning to return from 2nd 学术解雇?

点击此处查看我们的 学术解雇申请程序页面.

如果你不确定你被解雇的级别, you may send an email request to the 学术标准 team to have your record reviewed at nvc-ast@jinken-fukuoka.com. 请在邮件中注明您的全名和banner ID.


请参阅 学术解雇清单 获取帮助您准备申请流程的信息.

学术解雇 packets will be available through the PASS Canvas course (steps 3 and 4). Dismissal packets must be completed in full as directed in order to be considered. 可接受的文件格式为PDF和Word. No other file formats are able to be viewed- this includes One Note and Google Docs. Students who submit incomplete packets or have not completed 所有 eligibility requirements listed above will not have a Dismissal Interview scheduled until 所有 requirements have been met, 可能导致无法在期望的学期注册. 如果您对如何填写请愿书的任何部分有任何疑问, 您可以通过电子邮件nvc-ast@alamo与学术标准团队联系.edu.


作为一名2年级的学生,我的职责是什么nd 西北维斯塔学院的学术解雇?

If your petition is approved, you will be expected to meet the following requirements:
  • 积极参加和参与 所有 注册课程,包括必修课 成功的策略 (SDEV0171)课程
  • 以“C”或更高的成绩完成所有课程(包括SDEV0171课程)
  • 在AlamoExperience中完成Level 1 Learning 2 Lead认证
  • 访问 with your assigned academic advisor at least once during the petitioning semester, 最好是在即将到来的学期开始注册之前.
  • Utilize the recommended support services and success strategies discussed during your advising interview
  • 学期平均成绩达到2分.0或更高 
  • 连续取得2分的学期绩点.0或以上,直至表现良好(累积大学GPA为2).达到0)才能继续注册.
  • Continuously meet with your assigned advisor each semester until in good standing
  • 遵守解雇面谈中讨论的所有合同要求.

Students whose petitions are approved and do not comply with 所有 the responsibilities  outlined above may result in the student having to sit out a full 16周 semester, 并且必须在静坐期后重新申请. 学期平均成绩没有2分.0分或以上将自动进入下一级解雇级别.   

除上述政策外, students previously enrolled in a semester prior to petitioning will be required to reduce their course loads to the maximum 6-8 credit hours. 如果你在开学第一天之前没有减少你的注册时间, the 学术标准 team may drop you from the last enrolled courses to reduce your course load to the maximum hours.

There is no option to petition the sit-out requirement once a student is placed on 3rd/Permanent 学术解雇. 


Students are placed back in Good Academic Standing when both their over所有 institutional and semester GPA's are a 2.0或更高. Once a student is back in Good Academic Standing their registration hold will be expired and their enrollment hours will be restored to full time. Dismissal students may be required to complete an exit interview survey which is provided by email.